Lucifer Over London


London, a city of constant transition, transaction, translation. London does not exist; London is a language without a place and it is the aphasic city; it’s the mother of all languages.

Lucifer Over London is a new anthology nine narrative essays written by a host of international prize-winning authors including Chloe Aridjis, Viola di Grado, Xiaolu Guo, Joanna Walsh and Zinovy Zinik.

First published in Italy by Humboldt Books, Lucifer Over London is now appearing in English for the first time. This is a version of London as seen from the immigrants of recent migrations, of deportations to come, from those who create London even as they contradict it.

Lucifer Over London – Paperback
Sale Price: £4.99 Original Price: £9.99


Saleh Addonia

Chloe Aridjis (author of Book of Clouds, Sea Monsters)

Vanni Bianconi

Viola Di Grado (author of Hollow Heart)

Xiaolu Guo (author of A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers)

Susana Moreira Marques (author of Now and at the Hour of Our Death)

Joanna Walsh (author of Vertigo, Break.up)

Zinovy Zinik (author of History Thieves)

Photography by Wolfgang Lehrner

Paperback ISBN: 9781910312391

Ebook ISBN: 9781910312407

Publication date: November 2020

Formats: Paperback / eBook